Friday, August 29, 2008


Ok.. so i have a question for all those ppl out there that are hella into school and love everything about it... why???? This is so friggin lame. the whole process of having to fill out all these papers and doin hella extra shit just so u can sit and be hella bored in a class that u probably already took in high school. Then those tests to see where u will be placed. Big bull dung. Who wants to sit in an odd smelling room and take a test that wont even help with a grade in the actually academic part of the crapola. I hate the fact that there's so many friggin ppl that go there so u have to rush and talk to these conselors, who can honestly care less about anything in your future, only to be told half of what u should be getting done in a really fast pace so u only get half of what the say and u end up in the long ass line askin the same question again. BULLSHIT!!!!

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